
Plant pictures

Be inspired

With styleGREEN pictures, a snapshot of nature on your walls will be ensured. Let the well merged combination of fresh forest moss, pole moss and natural plants like fern, eucalyptus, papyrus, amaranth and ming lead you every day to an inspiring journey in a place of greenery - be it in an exotic jungle or a forest glade, you can decide for yourself, where you would like to be carried off. Simply choose the plant combination that suits you best.

A small piece of paradise

No matter, which plant combination you choose, each plant picture will bring a piece of genuine nature into your home. Let for example dense planted mosses and exotic plants in various green shades, carry you off into our worlds wildest jungles. Or choose a well merged combination of forest moss, pole moss and other plants and bring a small piece of paradisiac forest glade into your house. 100% nature will always be guarantee, as our products include only genuine plants and mosses, which are maintainance free thanks to a special, natural preservation process. The fresh green colour, the original feel, as well as the natural bending properties of the plants obviously are preserved nevertheless. That´s how your small, personal Garden of Eden will spring up. 

Free Choice

Our offer of styleGREEN plant pictures includes jungle or plant island pictures in different sizes and formats and with various frames. No matter, what product you will choose, each of our pieces will be lovingly produced in our small manufacture just outside Munich.
